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Rethink. Rework. Results. Right out of the gate our first speaker, Bill Taylor, founding editor of Fast Company Magazine, asked us to “embrace one of a kind ideas in a world of copy cats.” With that, the tone was perfectly set for our time together at Kingsmill Resort.
Between our opening and afternoon sessions, our members sparked our imagination and interest with twenty, 5 minute presentations — the topics were as varied as our members themselves. We heard about business strategies, employee woes and how to discover the best things in life. Clearly, we are a group of passionate souls embracing endeavors far beyond the business community in which we live.
If you missed the 2013 Retreat, or, if you are still recovering and want to relive the event, take heed. At the top of this page is a fast-paced, Retreat Day 1 video recap for you. I’ve also included one of the most popular Ignite presentations. (Day 2 and other Ignites are forth coming.) As Steve Kimball said, “Hold on to your hats, we’re going for a ride!”
Lastly, here are some of the key takeaways from our three workshops — I hope this information will rekindle your enthusiasm to RETHINK. REWORK and produce the RESULTS you desire.
Thanks again to everyone who attended. I’m already looking forward to next year’s event!
–Scot McRoberts
Executive Director, VACEOs
Top 5 Takeaways
Bill Taylor Founding Editor, Fast Company.
Presentation: Change is the Name of the Game
1. The middle of the road is the road to nowhere.
2. Ask yourself: What is the core idea that defines / distinguishes my business? What is my sentence?
3. Now take it further: What is your sentence as a leader?
4. The most successful companies simply care more.
5. Successful companies in the future will a) Offer something that is hard to come by b) Embrace an idea c) Will be intensely human.
Top 5 Takeaways
Stuart Diamond, Author “Getting More.”
Presentation: Negotiate Your Way to Success
1. Negotiating pizza toppings is exactly the same as negotiating a billion dollar deal. The facts change, the process doesn’t.
2. People don’t expect to agree with you, but expect you to be straight with them.
3. If you are just talking money you are not a good negotiator. Ask yourself, what kind of intangibles can I find in this deal? How can I use this information to add value to this conversation?
4. Know your goals. Are your actions meeting your goals?
5. You are the least important person in the negotiation.
Top 5 Takeaways
Sam Horn, marketing and branding expert
Presentation: What’s Your Sales & Marketing Story?
1. Brand story: a true, put ‘em in the scene example that resonates with your target audience because it shows what you are special at.
2. Avoid “info-besity” — marketing is about examples, not information.
3. Remember to WAVE when you tell your story: Who/where/when + Adversity + Victory + Emotion …. then hook and dovetail to the person you are speaking with!
4. Tackling or rethinking a new campaign or new product, think: Purpose, Person, Problem, Premise, Process, Pop!
5. Best way to corner a niche to create niche; best way to create a niche, coin your own word. Tip: Use Half/Half technique!
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