The Virginia Council of CEOs formed a formal partnership with the Virginia Chamber of Commerce in January 2017. This partnership provides the benefits of Chamber membership to VACEOs members and leverages the Chamber’s state-wide network to identify and serve CEOs of small- and mid-sized companies through our peer roundtable programs.
Through the partnership, active members of the Virginia Council of CEOs will be granted membership in the Virginia Chamber of Commerce. The two organizations will work closely together on future events and initiatives, including the Chamber’s update this year to its long-term economic plan, Blueprint Virginia 2025.
The agreement further strengthens the Council’s value to its membership and facilitates its ability to expand regionally. The partnership is also expected to positively impact Virginia business.
Read VACEOs announcement >
Read Richmond Times-Dispatch coverage >
The Virginia Chamber of Commerce is the largest business advocacy organization in the Commonwealth, with more than 25,000 members. The Chamber is the leading non-partisan business advocacy organization that works in the legislative, regulatory, civic and judicial arenas at the state and federal level to be a force for long-term economic growth in the Commonwealth. Learn more at