Thursday, October 3, 2024

Next Session of Roundtable Program for Key Executives Begins in February 2025

Key Executive Roundtables is our peer learning experience for “second in commands.” We created a peer learning experience for COOs, GMs, number twos, etc., two years ago and have run two annual sessions. We are ready to announce our third Key Executive Roundtable program, to begin February 2025!

Learning with peers accelerates the abilities of professionals. We know that from decades of serving CEOs in this way.

VACEOs is offering a cohort-style program for key executives from small and medium sized businesses that will:

  • Create meaningful connections with other professionals. A trusted network.
  • Accelerate the learning and growth of these professionals by expanding their perspectives and exposing them to others’ experiences.
  • Connect them with experts from the community in a wide range of disciplines.

The next session of Key Executive Roundtables will form roundtables of 8 to 12 executives, who will meet every other month from February to October 2025. These three-hour meetings will be led by a professional facilitator and consist of two elements.

  1. A confidential peer roundtable experience that gives everyone the chance to share issues and opportunities, and to learn from one another’s experiences. Essentially, a condensed version of our CEO Roundtables format. Participants are expected to commit to 100% attendance.
  2. Learning from subject matter experts on topics like strategy, execution, culture, technology, compliance, finance, HR, marketing, sales, etc.

For non-meeting months, the group will be encouraged to meet informally with funds available for social meetings.

This is not a VACEOs membership, but a program that we are offering to key executives of both member and non-member firms. Key Executive participants will not be included in VACEOs events.

Cost for this program is $2,600 for VACEOs members’ key execs, and $2,850 for execs from non-member organizations. Fees are billed after acceptance. Commitment to attend all 5 meetings is required.

You can apply here. Deadline for applications is December 15.

$100 off for applications received by November 1.

If you have any questions, please email

Posted by Scot McRoberts at 12:46 am

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