
What Virginia CEOs are Reading This Summer

The members within the Virginia Council of CEOs hunger for knowledge. We thirst for relevant facts, crave tangible tactics, and relish a great story. Many of us are devoted readers — seeking out business books to enjoy like a good…


CO+LAB Adds a Fresh and Modern Touch to

Membership in the Virginia Council of CEOs certainly has its privileges. And if you’re executive director Scot McRoberts, that goes for you too. “When we knew it was time to focus our attention on getting updated, I was thrilled…


VACEOs Approaches Membership Level Milestone

              We are pleased to announce our membership is stronger than ever, and with the addition of 16 new members so far in 2016, we’re closing in on a key membership milestone — 200…


Robins School of Business, Virginia Council of CEOs survey index falls as hiring and capital spending plateau

  > Read Richmond Times-Dispatch coverage   Each quarter the Virginia Council of CEOs (VACEOs) and University of Richmond’s Robins School of Business partner to take the pulse of top executives in the region through a comprehensive “Economic Survey.”  …

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Four Ways VACEOs Maximizes Peer Learning

CEOs join the Virginia Council of CEOs for one primary reason – to be a part of a peer Roundtable or Forum. These groups of 8 to 10 non-competing CEOs meet regularly to learn and grow together.   It’s challenging…

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