Monday, June 24, 2024

Leadership Makes Peer Groups Go!

There are many types of peer groups. Anyone can benefit from meeting together in structured, confidential environment to discuss common issues. The key is finding a group who can grow and stay together over time. 

One of the things which contributes to peer group success is having members who are committed to a disciplined and structured meeting process. We have all been in a committee meeting or work meeting which has gotten off topic or been dominated by one big talker. How do groups keep their meetings productive for all?

Leadership Differences

At VACEOs, we have two types of CEO peer groups: Roundtables and Forums. You can see read the blog post by Scot McRoberts, Roundtable or Forum. What’s the difference? for more information. One difference between the two groups is the leadership structure. Both groups have a leader, but Forum meetings are led by a professional facilitator. The facilitator works hand in hand with the leader to set the agenda and run the meeting. In contrast, Roundtables rely on a member of the group to lead the meetings. Since these leaders are busy CEOs and not dedicated facilitators, it is essential that we provide resources on the meeting process.

Training and Support

Each year, we conduct a half-day training for both the facilitators and leaders. We are fortunate enough to work with one of the best, Mo Fathelbab, a renowned authority in peer group facilitation. It is Mo’s book; Forum; the Secret Advantage of Successful Leaders each of our members receives in their welcome box. Roundtables and Forums both follow the process outlined in the book. In our new leader training, Mo introduces the meeting process and guides the group through various exercises. 

Throughout the year, the leaders continue to meet several times to experience share with one another. We also bring in other professional facilitators to address key elements of successful meetings. The board Vice-Chair is dedicated to ensuring Roundtable and Forum success, providing support to leaders as needed. This year, Henry Clifford, is filling that role with enthusiasm. 

Commitment to Growth

Our members lean on their Roundtables and Forums and invest their time and energy to help themselves and their companies grow. We constantly look for ways to support them in that endeavor. 

Posted by Connie Bruce at 1:05 pm

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